Calendar of Upcoming Events
February 19: Texas Statehood Day* – The legal entry of Texas into the Union was December 29, 1845, but the decade-old Republic of Texas did not formally transfer the authority to the new state of Texas until February 19, 1846.
February 25: The Frontier Families Symposium and luncheon will be presented by the Republic of Texas Museum at 10 a.m. at the Austin Club on 110 E. Ninth St., Austin, TX. Featured speakers are Dr. Caroline Crimm, James Haley and Mary Margaret McAllen. For more information, please contact Jean Sitterle at 979-542-3104 or
March 1: Deadline for chapters to submit their winning Texas history teacher applicant AND student essay contest applicant to their district representative.
March 1-31: Texas History Month – enacted by the state Legislature June 20, 2003.
March 2: Texas Independence Day* – On this date, the Texas Declaration of Independence was signed at Washington-on-the-Brazos. This day was also Sam Houston’s birthday. An annual pilgrimage is held in San Antonio by the Alamo Mission Chapter to celebrate the occasion. Please arrive before 11:30 a.m. if you wish to participate. For more information, contact Alamo Mission Chapter President Sharon Skrobarcek at or contact the Chapter directly at
March 6: Alamo Heroes Day* – On this date in 1836, the siege of the Alamo was ended when Santa Anna’s forces stormed the Alamo and killed all of the defenders. The Alamo Mission Chapter holds an observance at the Alamo to honor the patriots who died there. An annual pilgrimage is held in San Antonio by the Alamo Mission Chapter to celebrate the occasion. Please arrive before 2:30 p.m. if you wish to participate. For more information, contact Alamo Mission Chapter President Sharon Skrobarcek at or contact the Chapter directly at
March 27: Goliad Heroes Day* – Following the fall of the Alamo, the Mexican Army, under the command of General Santa Anna, attacked Colonel James W. Fannin’s men at Goliad. Fannin was forced to surrender.
April 21: San Jacinto Day* – On this date, General Sam Houston and the Texas Army defeated Santa Anna’s Mexican troops in the Battle of San Jacinto. An annual pilgrimage is held in San Antonio by the Alamo Mission Chapter to celebrate the occasion. Please arrive before 4 p.m. if you wish to participate. For more information, contact Alamo Mission Chapter President Sharon Skrobarcek at or contact the Chapter directly at
April 22: Battle of Flowers Parade – The Battle of Flowers Parade is the oldest event and largest parade of Fiesta® San Antonio, attracting crowds of more than 350,000. It is the only parade in the United States produced entirely by women, all of whom are volunteers.
May 11-14: DRT 125th Annual Convention at the Intercontinental Hotel (15201 Dallas Parkway, Dallas, TX 75001).
June 1: Garden Party at the Alamo – an evening on the grounds.
*Texas Honor Days