Children of the Republic of Texas Update: 88 Years and Growing
The Children of the Republic of Texas recently celebrated the 88th anniversary of the Daughters’ decision to form a children’s organization. New applications for membership continue to come in on a daily basis, which is exciting and encouraging.
The CRT officers have been busy this spring working on their projects and encourage all CRT members young and old to participate, as well. You may download a copy of the 2016-2017 CRT Project5 Book at

Also, get ready to hitch your wagon and head for the Hills. Plans for the 2017 Annual Convention at the Inn of the Hills Hotel in Kerrville on June 23-14, 2017, hosted by DRT District VIII are well underway. We have exciting plans for the Friday night event, and we encourage everyone to come in period dress, if able. Registration Forms are available by clicking here. Don’t forget to order this year’s convention t-shirt when you register!