New DRT Chapter: The Lone Star Diamonds Chapter in Little Rock, Arkansas
In May 2016, a group of ladies came together with a common desire to establish an Arkansas chapter of the DRT. With a lot of hard work, The Lone Star Diamonds chapter of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas was chartered at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, December 17, at Canvas Restaurant in the Arkansas Arts Center. Fifteen ladies were approved for charter membership in the newly formed chapter. In the 125th year of the organization, this addition of the chapter in Little Rock is a milestone.
The board of management for the Daughters of the Republic of Texas attended the historic event. Guests included Dr. Betty Edwards, president general; Barbara Stevens, 1st vice president general; Martha Fleitas, 4th vice president general; Deborah Williams, chaplain general; Carolyn Raney, recording secretary general; Glenda Wise, registrar general; Arlene Garey, custodian general; Ora Jane Johnson, District III representative 2014-2016; Denise Cervantes, District III representative 2016-2018; and Evelyn Reininger, chair, Lineage Research Committee. Other DRT members attending the festivities included Judy Sien; Melda Payne, former president of the James Bowie chapter; Mary Lu Stotts; and Pat Minter, the current vice president of the James Bowie chapter.
Martha Batchelor, a 26-year member of the DRT and a former member of the Joshua D. Brown chapter, Kerrville, Texas, will serve as the new chapter president of the Lone Star Diamonds. Kay Tatum, a three-year member of the James Bowie chapter, Texarkana, Texas, will serve as the registrar. Additional officers include Amber Friday-Brown, secretary; Faye Coker, treasurer; and Mona Diles, chapter chaplain.
The Lone Star Diamonds are honored to bring this new chapter to fruition and look forward to attending the DRT Convention in May 2017.