Looking Back, Moving Forward: The Future of the DRT is Bright
It has been a transformational year full of challenges and opportunities, but at every turn, the Daughters rose to the occasion. By doing so, we helped lay the groundwork for a solid foundation for the DRT’s future.
In 2016, we settled the lawsuit concerning the General Land Office’s challenge to our DRT Library Collection. It was a difficult fight, but a necessary one for our organization and our mission to perpetuate the memory and spirit of the men and women who achieved the independence of Texas.
We were fortunate to secure a wonderful new home for the library collection, made progress on fund-raising for the Republic of Texas History Center, and celebrated our 125th anniversary. The Daughters of the Republic of Texas remain strong, united by our common spirit and more committed than ever to Texas.
One hundred twenty-five years ago, two ladies thought there should be an organization solely dedicated to perpetuating forever the memory of the pioneer families and soldiers of the Republic of Texas.
One hundred twenty-five years later, we celebrate the vision of Betty Ballinger and her cousin Hally Bryan by honoring the memories and spirit of those courageous men, women and children who gave birth to this place called Texas.
We are forever linked to the beginning of Texas, and as we close out this year, let us celebrate our allegiance not only to our state but to our sisterhood and to each other.
Let us stop and remember the courage, the fear, the uncertainty, the sacrifices, the strength and ultimately the perseverance that all combined brought independence and liberty for those original Texans and all who have followed.
This is an exciting time for the Daughters of the Republic of Texas. It is a time of transformation for our organization. We have had our share of challenges over the years, and in particular the last couple of years, but we did not yield. We are a unique breed. We are Texas women and we have overcome, we have prevailed, we have learned and we are stronger. Today we stand tall and we stand proud.
This year has been a time to reflect on the past, but most especially to turn our sights to the future.
Our mission to preserve and tell the story of Texas grows more important as memory of the Republic fades, so let us recommit ourselves and this organization to the next 125 years.
May we continue to honor the state of Texas and those brave individuals who made it possible. Let us continue to honor the United States of America. And let us forever embrace and cherish the freedoms and democracy we enjoy.
Thank you for being a part of this special organization. Onward Texas, one and indivisible.